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Why is it so hard to find more time for dating?

In modern-day society, the majority of the population are very busy (many people are even busy with busyness). So, if you are looking for love but your schedule is extremely busy, this article will probably change the way you approach dating and time management. Let’s discover how to find love despite a busy schedule right now!


·      Love doing an activity? Do the group version of the same activity!


Like going to the gym? Instead of working out alone, you can join a group class where you will meet new people.


Enjoy music? Rather than listening to your favorite songs at home, attend a concert where you can meet people who share the same interest with you.


By doing the group version of the same activity, you are more likely to meet like-minded people and find someone suitable for a good relationship.


Now you’ve got the gist. It’s simply about upgrading the activity that you are already doing! Make it fun!


·      You will become less busy by asking yourself these two questions.


Take out your dairy or calendar and analyze each task you’re going to do. Now ask yourself the following questions:


    Does this task have to be done? (If your answer is no, ruthlessly delete this task.)

    Does this task have to be done by me? (If your answer is no, delegate this task to somebody else.)


Now the white spaces in your calendar/diary can be utilized for dating!


·      24 hours = 3 mini days


A few decades ago, since people didn’t have access to the Internet, they must go to the library so as to find some information they needed & they had to spend a large amount of time in the library doing the research, which was clearly very time-consuming and inefficient.


But in this day and age, we all have access to the Internet. Hence, nowadays we can find the information we need online within a few seconds. No wonder performance coach Ed Mylett famously said, “The 24-hour day was created at a time when people didn’t have electricity, TV or the Internet. That’s why the 24-hour day is an obsolete concept. I’ve changed my concept of time – I have three mini days in 24 hours – The first day starts at 6am and runs till 12pm: this day includes spirituality, fitness and work. The 2nd day is from 12pm to 6pm: this day includes joy and reading. The 3rd day is 6pm to midnight: some of which is sleep, of course. And it usually includes socializing with friends.”


Indeed, if you look at time so differently, you’ll surely have much more time for dating!


So, when you implement this idea in your life, don’t forget to include dating in the 3rd day!


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